Teen Binge Drinking Rehab
Binge Drinking in Teens and Young Adults
No matter where you go in today’s society, you are likely to find teenagers who want to be older than their actual age. Most teenagers have a strong desire to engage in adult activities, such as drinking, especially if they have overbearing parents or caregivers. In fact, it is not uncommon for teenagers to sneakily acquire fake IDs in order to engage in activities that are meant for adults. Although many teenagers look old enough to pass for adults, the majority of teens are too young to fully understand the repercussions of their actions. This is especially true when it comes to underage drinking. Many teenagers succumb to the pressure put on them by their peers and end up drinking alcohol before they are of legal age. While some teenagers are strong enough to drink alcohol once and never touch it again, many teenagers will make drinking a habit.
Binge Drinking A Teen Habit
Binge drinking is a habit that many teenagers have. The Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines binge drinking as drinking four to five large drinks in two hours or less. Drinking large amounts of alcohol in such a short time period can have dangerous repercussions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 90 percent of the alcohol that is consumed by individuals under age 21 is consumed in the form of binge drinks. Although teenage boys are more likely to binge drink than teenage girls, it is a problem that negatively affects both genders, regardless of race or socioeconomic status. If you or someone you love has a problem with binge drinking, teen binge drinking rehab is definitely an option.
Call to speak to a trained professional who can explain your treatment options.
Individuals who binge drink want to become intoxicated quickly. By their third drink, binge drinkers are generally intoxicated; however, this doesn’t stop them from consuming more drinks. This form of alcohol abuse is extremely harmful to the health of teens, particularly because their bodies are still growing and their organs are still developing. Alcohol poisoning and liver disease are common problems that individuals who binge drink face. Also, drinking excessively affects a teenager’s ability to make sound decisions. In fact, many teens put themselves in dangerous situations after getting drunk.
Other effects of binge drinking include:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Shakiness
- Extreme headaches
- Hangovers
Parental Considerations Before Entering Rehab Centers
Parents often choose to enroll their teens in teen binge drinking rehab programs. Before enrolling a child into a rehabilitation program, parents often look for warning signs. Here are some questions that parents and caregivers should ask in determining whether their teen has a drinking problem.
- Does my teen have an addictive personality?
- Does my teen have close associations with individuals who are much older?
- How are my teen’s grades and school attendance?
- Is my child missing his or her curfew or staying out past midnight?
- Does my child’s clothing smell like alcohol?
- Are my teen’s eyes bloodshot when he or she gets home?
- Do my child’s clothes smell like vomit?
- Has my teen picked up any bad habits recently?
- Is my child engaging in any reckless behavior?
- Is my teen more disobedient and disrespectful than normal?
These are just some questions that parents use to determine whether or not their child has an addiction to alcohol; there are others you can ask that are specific to your teen. Teenage drinking often occurs in places that are unmonitored or in areas where underage drinking is permitted or encouraged. Underage drinking often occurs at teenage parties without adult supervision and at parties on college campuses. However, teenagers who live at home may meet their friends at an isolated location in their neighborhoods in order to binge drink. If you or a loved one needs help to overcome binge drinking, call for guidance and support.
Alcohol Addiction
Alcohol addiction affects individual of all ages, and there are many people suffering from addiction who choose to enter a rehabilitation program due to a strong desire to change their lives. Others enter alcohol addiction treatment programs due to legal obligations or because they were urged to by their loved ones. Read More
Drinking Due to Peer Pressure
Most adults think that teenagers binge drink due to peer pressure; however, this is not the only reason why teenagers decide to consume large amounts of alcohol. Countless teenagers throughout the world struggle with alcohol addiction, and many of these teens start drinking in order to escape some sort of emotional or psychological pain. Teenagers who were sexually or physically abused often resort to some form of substance abuse in order to deal with their emotional pain. Teens with parents who are not emotionally available to them may drink alcohol to mask their pain or to get their parents’ attention. Teens who are shunned by their peers or who have no friends often resort to substance abuse. There are many reasons why teenagers abuse alcohol. Good treatment will get to the root of those issues, making long-term recovery possible.
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, many adolescents have the ability to consume larger amounts of alcohol than adults can consume before experiencing negative consequences, such as lack of impulse control and lack of coordination. However, the damage that is being done to the inside of the body is similar in adults and teenagers. Having a high tolerance for alcohol is what causes many teenagers to binge drink.
Binge drinking also makes teenagers feel more comfortable around their peers. Because a teenager’s ability to make sound decisions is impaired after drinking heavily, teenagers who are drunk are more likely to smoke, take recreational drugs and engage in sexual activity. They are also likely to get into vehicles with others who have been drinking heavily.
Regardless of how many times you or a loved one engaged in binge drinking, it is never too late to get help. There are countless teen binge drinking rehab programs available for individuals who are ready to change their lives. Binge drinking is a bad habit that can eventually lead to serious problems, and these problems can not only impact a teen’s health but also their future.
Unsure where to start? Take Our Substance Abuse Self-Assessment
Take our free, 5-minute substance abuse self-assessment below if you think you or someone you love might be struggling with substance abuse. This evaluation consists of 11 yes or no questions that are designed to be used as an informational tool to assess the severity and probability of a substance use disorder. The test is free, confidential, and no personal information is needed to receive the result. Please be aware that this evaluation is not a substitute for advice from a medical doctor.
To get help and to learn about different treatment centers, call to speak to a caring, knowledgeable professional.
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