Crystal Meth Addiction
Crystal meth produces a short-lived high followed by an intense euphoria that may last for up to 12 hours. After the effects of the drug dissipate, the user wanting to regain that high takes more of the drug, and this often develops into a cycle of addiction. Crystal meth addiction symptoms require intervention in order to save the user’s life and help the person recover from both the long-term and short-term effects of the drug. Getting help can be quite simple if you call us at .
What Is Crystal Meth?
Crystal meth is one of the street names for methamphetamine, which is a psychostimulant derived from the amphetamine group of drugs. This drug can be presented in many forms, and it is called crystal meth when in the crystallized form. It is also known by other names, such as:
- White cross
- White crunch
- LA glass
- LA ice
- Speed
- Candy
- Devil dust
- Black beauties
- Crystal glass
- Chalk
- Blade
- Poor man’s cocaine
This drug is very potent and highly addictive, and it can be used in a variety of ways to get the desired high. These ways include:
- Smoking it in a glass pipe
- Injecting it into veins (dry on in water solution)
- Snorting it as a powder
- Taking it orally
- Inserting the drug into the anus or urethra
Symptoms of Crystal Meth Addiction
When crystal meth addiction symptoms and signs are noticed, steps should be taken to provide help for the affected individual. Due to the pleasures derived from taking the drug, it may be difficult to stop taking it without professional help. When crystal meth is taken for short periods, it may have symptoms similar to those of any other recreational drug, and it may be difficult to pinpoint crystal meth addiction specifically. However, if these symptoms are observed frequently, they can mean that your loved one is struggling with an active drug addiction. These symptoms may or may not include:
- Jaw clenching and teeth grinding
- Confusion
- Feelings of euphoria followed by irritability
- Increased energy levels and alertness
- Diarrhea
- Nausea
- Decreased appetite
- Shakiness
- Extreme focus on one task and details
- Increased libido (sex drive)
- Insomnia
- Increased heart rate and blood pressure
- Talkativeness
- Increased blood sugar
With prolonged use, more evident crystal meth addiction symptoms will appear. When the drug is taken for a long period, the addict will also develop a tolerance for the drug, which will cause him or her to use more of it each time to derive the same effect. Long-term symptoms may include:
- Excessive weight loss and anorexia
- Heart problems (arrhythmia)
- Difficulty breathing
- Psychotic or irrational behavior
- Strong sense of paranoia
- Meth mouth (tooth decay and broken teeth)
If you are, or someone you are close to is, experiencing symptoms similar to these, it may be time to seek help to break free from this addiction. If you need to find crystal meth addiction treatment or just need someone to talk to about your issues, call us now. Our helpline is open to anyone in need, 24 hours a day. Make that brave step towards recovery, and call us at to discuss your treatment options.
Did You Know?
University research done on animals indicated that animals that were given crystal meth for a prolonged period of time continued to consume the drug until they died. It is believed that this behavior is also present in humans addicted to meth who continue to abuse the drug even when they know all the risks.
Crystal Meth Withdrawal
Withdrawal occurs when crystal meth is suddenly stopped after prolonged use. Some of the symptoms of withdrawal include:
- Fatigue
- Depression
- Irritability
- Lucid dreams
- Headaches
- Increased appetite
- Excessive sleeping
- Headaches
Withdrawal is not often fatal but may bring with it severe discomfort and pain. The withdrawal process can be mitigated, however, if the addict has a strong support group willing to help. The observation of crystal meth addiction symptoms should be taken seriously and help should be provided to aid in crystal meth addiction recovery. Withdrawal symptoms are best dealt with in a crystal meth addiction treatment facility where trained staff can oversee and monitor the progress of your loved one. This ensures they are safe throughout the entire detox process. Call us at to speak with a treatment counselor who can provide you with further information on how to find help for crystal meth addiction.
Did You Know?
When crystal meth is taken for a prolonged period of time, it destroys the dopamine receptors in the brain, making it extremely difficult to have sensations of pleasure. While some of the receptors may grow back over a period of years, the impairment to cognitive functions is often permanent.
Did You Know?
Studies carried out on animals indicted that while sex increased dopamine levels from 100 to 200 units and cocaine increased levels to 350 units, meth caused an increase of approximately 1,250 units.
Treatment for Crystal Meth Addiction: Get Help Today
Crystal meth addiction is dangerous and potentially deadly. It not only affects the lives of the drug-using individuals but also those of their friends and family. So, make the choice to become drug-free today, and contact us at to discuss your options.
Treatment for crystal meth addiction is mostly centered on getting enrolled in a suitable rehab facility. If anyone you know is displaying crystal meth addiction symptoms, now is the time to get help. Call us at (5, and let us help find you an appropriate treatment facility where you can become drug-free. Crystal meth addiction recovery centers have trained personnel who will implement a combination of behavioral, cognitive, family and group therapies to help you get clean and sober.
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Take our free, 5-minute substance abuse self-assessment below if you think you or someone you love might be struggling with substance abuse. This evaluation consists of 11 yes or no questions that are designed to be used as an informational tool to assess the severity and probability of a substance use disorder. The test is free, confidential, and no personal information is needed to receive the result. Please be aware that this evaluation is not a substitute for advice from a medical doctor.