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Demerol Detox and Withdrawal

Demerol is a narcotic pain medication indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe pain. Its generic name is meperidine hydrochloride. Like most opiates, Demerol is a Schedule II controlled drug. Demerol addiction and withdrawal symptoms can be treated in detox centers. For the best treatment and recovery centers near your area, call .

Tolerance, Addiction and Withdrawal Symptoms

drug toleranceDemerol’s effects are similar to morphine, but it is believed to be more effective for diarrhea or renal pain. Demerol is an opioid agonist, and long-term use of this drug can be habit-forming. Tolerance to Demerol may develop after using the drug for a long time, and the user may feel the need to take larger doses to feel the desired effects of the drug. A person may become addicted to Demerol if they continues to use the drug abusively. Demerol addiction is characterized by the inability to stop using the drug despite knowing the adverse side effects incurred by the user. A Demerol-dependent individual may also experience withdrawal symptoms when they discontinue using the drug immediately. Entering a Demerol detox center can help relieve these symptoms.

Withdrawal symptoms depend on the severity of the addiction and the length of drug abused. Symptoms may include:

  • Tremors
  • Chills
  • Insomnia
  • Hallucination
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Weakness
  • Restlessness
  • Agitation
  • Anxiousness
  • Yawning
  • Muscle spasms
  • Diarrhea
  • Confusion
  • Delirium

Do not stop taking Demerol even if you are not experiencing any pain. Talk to your doctor first before stopping this medication, especially if you have been using it for a long time.

Demerol Detox and Withdrawal Treatment

“…approximately 5.1 million Americans abused pain relievers in 2010.”
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), approximately 5.1 million Americans abused pain relievers in 2010. Misused or illicit used of narcotic pain relievers like Demerol were also involved in 397,160 emergency department visits in 2009.

A person who is taking Demerol should seek treatment from Demerol detox centers if:

  • They feel a strong desire to take the drug.
  • They experience withdrawal symptoms when the medication is stopped.
  • They need to increase the drug’s dosage to feel its desired effects.

A Demerol-addicted person may choose to enter an inpatient or outpatient rehab center. The patient may receive normal detoxification process where a knowledgeable medical professional administers drugs to relieve withdrawal symptoms. Approved medications for Demerol detoxification also help the person to disengage the drug use and become more receptive to behavioral treatments. Gradual dosage reduction may be incorporated in the detox process to reduce drug cravings and lessen the effect of withdrawal symptoms.

While both types of detox centers can be helpful for the patient’s addiction, entering an inpatient detox center with the appropriate withdrawal treatment facilities can decrease the chances of relapse. Most luxury centers develop specific Demerol detox programs for each patient to address their individual needs. An inpatient Demerol detox center also supervises and monitors its patients’ progress 24 hours a day. Inpatient rehab centers are best for long-term Demerol addicts who require careful administration of opioid antagonist medications and who want to recover from their addiction with minimal discomfort.

Recovering from Demerol Addiction

support group After the treatment program in Demerol detox centers, recovering addicts may choose to enroll in a complete rehab program. In addition, they may join a local support group like Narcotics Anonymous. Rehab includes one-on-one sessions with a psychologists or a specialist in Demerol addiction. In addition, most programs include group therapy sessions as well as alternative treatments.

Demerol is an opiate and a common drug of abuse. If you or a loved one is addicted to or abusing this drug, it is best to talk to a specialist to find out how you can recover or help someone recover from drug addiction. Call to find Demerol detox centers in your area as well as complete rehabilitation facilities.


  • Demerol or meperidine is a fully synthetic opioid and is not derived from naturally occurring alkaloids such as codeine and morphine.
  • Injecting the liquid solution of Demerol can induce euphoria, commonly called a flash or rush. Intravenous injection of opiates greatly increases the severity of dependence and addiction. It also causes acute withdrawal symptoms when the drug is stopped abruptly.

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