Dextroamphetamine Detox and Withdrawal
Dextroamphetamine is used for the treatment of ADHD. It alters natural chemicals in the brain to relax the central nervous system. This medication helps patients focus, control their actions and behave better in social situations. This drug is also used to treat sleeping disorders.
Dextroamphetamine can be highly addictive. MSNBC recently reported that one in four adults may be faking symptoms of a condition to get medication. This allows many people access to drugs like dextroamphetamine, making addiction possible for more people. Patients can become addicted while taking the medication as prescribed, and others will become addicted taking the medication recreationally. The longer someone is on this drug, the harder it may become to fight the addiction. Anyone who suspects an addiction to this medication should contact a dextroamphetamine detox center right away. For more information on addiction treatment possibilities, call .
Side Effects of Dextroamphetamine
There are many common side effects of using this drug that aren’t suspicious or alarming. People may experience:
- Dizziness
- Nervousness
- Dry mouth
- Nausea
- Cramps
- Weight loss
- Sweating
Someone showing severe side effects should seek immediate medical care. Difficulty breathing, a red rash, swelling of body parts and having blurred vision are all signs of an allergic reaction. Someone who is unconscious, has a rapid heartbeat or is convulsing may have mixed the medication with a different substance. They could have also overdosed on the medication. This would also require immediate medical care and could possibly be fatal. Search the home for an empty bottle or the remains of any other medications that could have been taken.
Signs of Addiction
There are many warning signs of addiction that are easy to recognize. Taking the medication more often than directed or taking larger doses than prescribed are signs of addiction. Getting the drug from illegal sources, lying to friends and family, and stealing the drug are also indicators that there is an addiction problem. Someone who becomes moody and withdrawn socially, who is edgy and irritated without the medication, or who makes multiple appointments with doctors to get a prescription may also be showing symptoms. If the person taking the medication talks about being resistant to the drug, he or she may be becoming addicted without knowing it. Recognizing these symptoms could save an addict’s life. This addiction can be treated through dextroamphetamine detox centers before it’s too late. For more addiction treatment information, call .
Dextroamphetamine Withdrawal Treatment Facilities
“Inpatient dextroamphetamine detox centers are the best choice for addicts. There are medical professionals to monitor and assist the addict in a safe environment.”Inpatient dextroamphetamine detox centers are the best choice for addicts. There are medical professionals to monitor and assist the addict in a safe environment. The addict has no access to any types of substances and will begin the withdrawal process. The patient will have to attend sessions with others addicts and be evaluated as a part of their treatment. After inpatient treatment, many people will also continue with outpatient sessions.
Withdrawal Symptoms
Withdrawal from dextroamphetamine may be challenging on the patient initially. There are many symptoms that can occur, including:
- High fever
- Irritation and agitation
- Headaches
- Vomiting and nausea
- Cravings
- Tremors
Most addicts will be required to stop taking the drug immediately. Others will be weaned off the medication. This will depend on how long the addict has been taking the medication and how much medication the person has been taking. This is all regulated by a physician. With the support of family members and friends, the withdrawal process is much easier. To discuss treatment options for someone battling addiction, call today.
Confronting the Addict
Getting an addict to commit to a dextroamphetamine detox program may not be easy. For parents who think their minor or high school student needs treatment, this can be forced. For adults who are addicted, friends and family members will have to encourage treatment to get them to go. Discussing the problem and the concerns you may have and being loving and supportive is the best way to encourage someone to seek professional help. Sometimes, an overdose or medical emergency will force someone into treatment. It’s very important that the addict completes a treatment program. It’s also important for them to continue with treatment, if needed, to avoid a relapse and to stay clean.
According to WebMD, over 5 percent of adults have ADHD. Based on this statistic, there are likely a lot of people taking this medication, and there are many who may be at risk of becoming addicted. If someone you know is showing signs of addiction to dextroamphetamine, find a detox center as quickly as possible. Convince the individual to start the path to recovery. Being as supportive as possible throughout the treatment process is going to be the primary way you can help the addict. For answers to all of your questions about treatment and to explore the variety of treatment options that are available, contact today.