Naltrexone Detox and Withdrawal
Naltrexone detox centers use naltrexone, an opiate antagonist, when treating patients suffering from alcoholism or an opioid dependence. This non-addictive drug works by decreasing the cravings that patients have when they stop drinking alcohol or quit using opiates. Naltrexone doesn’t stop the withdrawal symptoms that patients have once they’ve stopped using alcohol or drugs, so finding an inpatient naltrexone detox program has the added benefit of providing a safe environment for detox.
If you or someone you know suffers from alcoholism or an opiate addiction and needs the services of a naltrexone detox center, call .
How Does Naltrexone Work?
Like other opiate antagonists, naltrexone attaches itself to receptors in the brain and blocks the effects of opiates on the body. When taken properly, naltrexone will not produce a feeling of pleasure to patients taking it. It’s unclear how the drug reduces the craving for alcohol, but many scientists theorize that the drug affects the neural pathways that house dopamine in the brain.
Signs of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
It’s common for people who abuse alcohol to believe they remain in complete control of their usage and that they can stop drinking anytime they want. Because of this, it’s often up to family and friends to recognize the symptoms of alcohol addiction and to help the person get the treatment he or she needs at a naltrexone detox center.
The most common signs of alcohol abuse include:
- Repeatedly neglecting responsibilities
- Using alcohol in dangerous situations, such as operating a vehicle
- Experiencing legal problems that revolve around drinking
- Drinking as a way to relax
- Lying to conceal drinking habits
- Experiencing memory loss after alcohol consumption
According to, some people are more likely to develop alcoholism than others. People with a history of alcoholism in their family, those who associate with heavy drinkers, and people who suffer from depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder have a high risk of becoming an alcoholic.
Below are some of the symptoms of alcoholism:
- Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not drinking
- Getting “the shakes” in the morning
- Giving up other activities to drink alcohol
- Inability to quit drinking, although one wants to
- Having a high tolerance for alcohol consumption
Treating Alcoholism With Naltrexone
Patients undergoing a naltrexone detox program use the pill, with or without alcohol. Patients in a program that requires them to take the pill and abstain from using alcohol should consider an inpatient naltrexone withdrawal treatment facility to help them cope with the withdrawal symptoms.
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms include:
- Anxiety
- Inability to think clearly
- Depression
- Irritability
- Fatigue
- Mood swings
- Shakiness
- Clammy skin
- Vomiting
- Rapid heart rate
- Sweating
- Fever
- Seizures
- Hallucinations
The Sinclair Method of treatment combines the use of naltrexone with moderate alcoholic consumption. Over time, the pill helps reduce the craving for alcohol, and the patient slowly begins to quit drinking. If you need help finding a naltrexone detox center, call today.
Regardless of the type of program you and your doctor decide to use, it’s important that you have a support group established before you decide to quit drinking. People who achieve success and stay sober typically have strong support from their loved ones or a support group they attend.
If you or a loved one is looking for help treating alcoholism, call our helpline at .
Signs of Opiate Abuse and Addiction
“It’s possible for people to develop an opiate addiction even when they take their prescription medications as directed.”The term opiates covers a wide range of drugs, both street drugs and prescription medications. When taken, opiates dull the senses and relieve pain. It’s possible for people to develop an opiate addiction even when they take their prescription medications as directed.
Most common opiates are:
People use opiates in different ways. Some people inject the drugs, take them orally, or snort them. Spotting the signs of opiate abuse can be difficult, unless you live with the person or see him or her on a regular basis.
Usual signs of opiate abuse include:
- Small baggies laying around the house
- Burnt or bent spoons
- Discarded syringes
- Empty prescription pill bottles
- Pills stored in different bottles
- Either experiences extremely hyper moods or gets lethargic
- Gets sick, with cold-like symptoms, one day but is fine the next
- Excessive weight loss
Treating Opiate Addiction With Naltrexone
According to NIDA, naltrexone isn’t widely used to treat heroin addiction, because it doesn’t stop the withdrawal symptoms. Instead, patients who have already been through the detoxification process use naltrexone to help keep them from using drugs. This works best when the use of naltrexone is paired with proper counseling or support group.
Using Naltrexone for Treatment
Whether you decide to use an inpatient naltrexone detox center or an outpatient program, it’s important to have a strong support group or get professional counseling. Some patients require both counseling and support to succeed. Counseling helps with any mental issues the patient has, and support groups give the added benefit of having someone to talk to who knows exactly what the patient is experiencing.
If you or someone you know uses opiates and needs a naltrexone detox center, call .
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