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Anexsia is a pain reliever that is produced from the combination of hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Hydrocodone is a narcotic drug, while acetaminophen is a non-narcotic drug. Anexsia is commonly prescribed by a doctor to treat moderate to severe pain. It is classified by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), along with all prescription medications, as one of the most widely
projectknow-shutter32952331-hydrocodoneabused prescription drugs in the United States. Taking this drug in higher doses than the amount prescribed can be extremely dangerous. An overdose on Anexsia can cause serious health issues and even death. If you are concerned about your Anexsia use, call today to find an Anexsia addiction treatment program in your area.

Almost every drug, including Anexsia, has some sort of side effects. The less serious side effects that one can expect to experience after taking this drug are:

  • Anxiety
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Drowsiness

Anexsia can also have other more serious side effects, which include a decreased heart rate, fainting, confusion, fear, seizures, convulsions, urination problems, shallow breathing, itching and a loss of appetite, among others. You should contact your doctor right away if you have any of these side effects.

Signs of Addiction

If you think you or someone you love is addicted to this drug, you need to seek Anexsia addiction treatment immediately. Call us at to get connected with a rehab program in your area. Some signs of addiction to this drug include:

    • Taking the drug in higher doses than the prescribed amount
    • Committing illegal acts to get more medication
    • Faking pain to get more medication from a doctor
    • Muscle and joint pain when no pills are taken
    • Finding ways to get multiple prescriptions from more than one physician

Most people do not set out to acquire an addiction to Anexsia. Addiction typically results from using the drug for a medical purpose and then using higher doses over time. If you notice any of these addiction signs in yourself or in someone you know, seek help from a professional Anexsia addiction treatment facility immediately. Call today for help with finding treatment.

Anexsia Withdrawal Symptoms

Users should always be aware of the withdrawal symptoms they may experience before they begin any detox process. The withdrawal symptoms for Anexsia are similar to those of other drugs in this category. Dealing with these drugs without the aid of a professional detox facility can be a painstaking experience. The symptoms can take an extreme toll on a person’s physical and mental well-being. Some of these symptoms include:

      • Nervousness
      • Stomach cramps
      • Diarrhea
      • Muscle and bone aches
      • Anxiety
      • Insomnia
      • Headaches

Statistics for Prescription Drugs

There have been many studies done on the use of prescription drugs over the years. One study conducted in 2010 by the NIDA reported that it was not only adults who were abusing these drugs, but teens and adolescents were abusing them as well. This study showed that at least 2.1 percent of 8th graders, 4.6 percent of 10th graders and 5.1 percent of 12th graders in America have used prescription drugs for recreational purposes. These numbers are a testament to why most Anexsia addiction treatment centers have programs that treat both younger and older populations. Get in touch with a treatment center by calling our drug helpline at immediately.

Why Get Help?

“Overdosing on Anexsia can lead to serious as well as fatal problems.”Overdosing on Anexsia can lead to serious as well as fatal problems. The withdrawal symptoms that are associated with detoxing from this drug can be extremely harsh to deal with. One’s body may undergo severe physical, emotional and mental turmoil during withdrawal, which require the attention of professionally trained staff. This includes doctors, psychiatrists, counselors and other support groups, and these resources are not available to those who attempt to stop taking the drug on their own.

For your mental and physical safety, you need to get help from a qualified Anexsia addiction treatment center. After a person has made it through the hurdle of kicking the physical addiction, he or she still needs to get psychological treatment for months afterwards. This can only be provided in a professional environment. Most centers offer ongoing individual as well as group rehab and family counseling long after a person has gotten over his or her physical addiction.

Prescription Drug Abuse as an Ongoing Problem

There are no signs that the issue of prescription drug abuse is slowing down. According to statistics by the NIDA, more than 7 million American citizens in 2010 ages 12 and up used this kind of drug for non-medical reasons in just the previous month. This number showed an increased result from the findings in a similar study done just the year before. This could be an indication that prescription drug abuse is slowly on the rise among people of all ages.

No matter what your age is, there is an Anexsia addiction treatment facility that can treat your drug addiction. Don’t waste any more time; call us today at to obtain help for you or your loved one.

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