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Biocodone Detox and Withdrawal

Biocodone is one of the many brand names for drugs that contain a combination of hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Similar products include Anexsia, Dolacet, Lorcet, Norco and Vicodin. The hydrocodone in Biocodone gives this drug the potential for abuse by opiate addicts. For more information on Biocodone detox centers, call us at .


“Biocodone is contraindicated in pregnant women, primarily because acetaminophen is transferred through breast milk.”
Physicians typically prescribe Biocodone to relieve pain, like other opioids. It is most often used for acute pain that is moderately severe, as Biocodone is likely to be addictive when used long-term. The use of Biocodone should generally be limited to three months at a time. Biocodone is contraindicated in pregnant women, primarily because acetaminophen is transferred through breast milk.

The acetaminophen in Biocodone has pain-relieving properties, but the primary reason for its presence is to make the abuse of Biocodone more difficult. The high levels of acetaminophen tend to cause Biocodone overdose symptoms before the relatively low concentrations of hydrocodone can produce the euphoric effects desired by recreational users. Biocodone addicts typically crush the pills into powder and treat it with cold water to reduce the concentration of acetaminophen. They can then snort the powder to get a stronger high.

Side Effects

Both hydrocodone and acetaminophen can cause side effects. These primarily include dizziness, lightheadedness and nausea. Rare side effects of Biocodone include:

  • Allergic reactions
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Clammy skin
  • Constipation
  • Fatigue
  • Hallucinations
  • Itching
  • Paranoia
  • Sweating

Did You Know?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has mandated that drug manufacturers limit the amount of acetaminophen in Biocodone to 325 milligrams per dosage by 2014.


Addicts typically use Biocodone in amounts that are much higher than therapeutic dosages. Biocodone detox programs must address the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty in concentration
  • Drowsiness
  • Euphoria
  • Loss of motor control

The primary effects sought by Biocodone addicts are euphoria and drowsiness.


Biocodone addicts can also experience withdrawal symptoms when they suddenly stop taking Biocodone. These symptoms include the following:

  • Chills
  • Headaches
  • Hot flashes
  • Nausea
  • Sweating
  • Tremors
  • Vomiting
  • Watery eyes



Physicians normally do not recommend that Biocodone addicts abruptly stop taking the drug due to the severity of the withdrawal symptoms, which can be lethal in severe cases. Biocodone detox centers begin with a program that gradually reduces the Biocodone dosage until the patient is no longer physically dependent upon the drug. This approach minimizes the withdrawal symptoms, although it requires more time.

Some patients require a faster detoxification program due to family or professional commitments. A drug such as flumazenil can reduce the detoxification phase to as little as one week. Flumazenil produces effects similar to those of Biocodone, although they are less intense. This allows patients to lose their dependence on Biocodone much more quickly. The biggest risk of using flumazenil is seizures, which occurs in about 2 percent of all patients.

Treatment for Biocodone addiction frequently takes place in a Biocodone detox center. This reduces the patient’s ability to obtain access to the drug, making a relapse less likely. The ability of a treatment center to monitor a patient’s vital signs also makes this process safer. The standard stay in an inpatient facility is 90 days, with 30- and 60-day programs commonly available.
“Long-term addicts may also require additional classes while they are staying in the rehab center.”
A Biocodone detox center typically focuses on psychological treatment once the detoxification phase is complete. Psychological treatment for Biocodone addiction generally includes some type of behavioral therapy, in which the patients attempt to replace their addictive behavior with healthier alternatives. This often takes place in one-on-one sessions with a therapist, although group therapy sessions may also be used.

Long-term addicts may also require additional classes while they are staying in the rehab center. These classes may teach basic life skills they may have neglected while addicted to Biocodone.

Did You Know?

Biocodone is a Schedule III drug in the United States. This means that Biocodone can cause moderate physical dependence and a high psychological dependence if you misuse it.

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