What are Effects of Mixing Alcohol and LSD?
“An addict who uses LSD typically slips the piece of paper onto the tongue.”-Projectknow.com
LSD is the street name for the drug lysergic acid diethylamide, but some users refer to the drug as acid. “Dropping acid” is a term that describes users taking one or more sheets of acid. Lysergic acid is a type of naturally occurring fungus that manufacturers find on certain types of grains. Manufacturers distill the acid, and most manufacturers add the acid to slips of paper.
How Addicts Use LSD
An addict who uses LSD typically slips the piece of paper onto the tongue. As the paper dissolves, the acid moves into the bloodstream. Acid also comes in a gelatin form that users eat. You can also find a liquid form of acid that you mix with other liquids. Those who mix the drug with alcoholic drinks are at an increased risk of becoming addicted to LSD and alcohol.
The Dangers of Mixing Drugs
When you mix LSD with alcohol, you might experience various effects, including:
- Dry mouth or throat
- Auditory hallucinations
- Visual hallucinations
- Loss of time
- Restlessness
- Insomnia
- Dilated pupils
- Changes in blood pressure
- Rapid heart rate
- Changes in appetite
The effects of mixing alcohol and LSD vary among users. Some users might find that the alcohol dulls the sensation of the LSD, while others find that mixing the substances makes the hallucinations worse.
Why do People Combine Them?
“Those who take alcohol to dull the effects of LSD are at risk of becoming addicted to LSD and alcohol. “-Projectknow.com
According to Life of the Party, a student group at the University of California Santa Barbara, mixing LSD and alcohol is dangerous. Life of the Party claims that people add alcohol because it reduces the effects of LSD, which makes the trip last longer. According to this group, the mixture of substances can lead to vomiting and nausea.
The alcohol dulls the senses, but when alcohol leaves the user’s system, one can feel the full effects of the drug. The intensity of the drug can make one experience adverse side effects. Those who take alcohol to dull the effects of LSD are at risk of becoming addicted to LSD and alcohol.
Warning Signs of Addiction
You might find that diagnosing an addiction is difficult if the person has an addiction to more than one substance. If you think someone is addicted to LSD and alcohol, you should look for potential warning signs of addiction. A Dependency is the most common sign of addiction to LSD. A person with an addiction to LSD cannot stop taking the drug, even when suffering harmful flashbacks. Flashbacks are hallucinations that make the addict feel like he or she is living a specific moment or event a second time. One can get so wrapped up in a hallucination that one cannot focus on anything outside the hallucination itself. Some of the other signs of an addiction to LSD and alcohol are:
- Constantly thinking about taking the substances
- Loss of control when taking the substances
- Hallucinations that occur when the addict does not use LSD or alcohol
- Hiding LSD and alcohol around the house
- Sneaking away from regular events to use the substances
One of the dangers of mixing LSD with alcohol is that the addict might experiment with other drugs. This can lead to cross-tolerance, because other drugs can be similar to LSD. For example, if you take LSD and experiment with mushrooms, you might need more mushrooms to reach the euphoric feeling associated with those drugs.
Do You Need More Help?
The first step in overcoming addiction is admitting you have a problem. If you find yourself addicted to LSD and alcohol, contact us at for more information and support. You can also call us if you think someone you know suffers from an addiction to alcohol and LSD. We can help you get the person admitted to the best available private rehab center, letting the addict get clean in a safe environment.
- Other street names for LSD include “microdot,” “sugar cubes,” “trips,” “tabs,” “doses” and “hits,” according to The Partnership at Drugfree.org.
- About 60 micrograms is the average amount of LSD placed on a tab.
- Drinking alcohol when you find the effects of the LSD waning is dangerous because it can cause nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.
- Drinking during this phase can cause severe stomach discomfort.
- According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, nearly 800,000 Americans used LSD in 2009.
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