Meperidine Overdose Symptoms and Treatments
Meperidine is prescribed for the relief of moderate to severe pain, because it changes the way your body senses pain. The duration of effects for meperidine may be between three and six hours. It may also be used for pre-anesthesia, particularly in post-operative situations and obstetrics. Introduced in the 1930s, meperidine is classified as a narcotic analgesic with an abuse liability similar to morphine.
Meperidine comes in liquid or tablet form for oral or intravenous methods of use. Meperidine is listed as a Schedule II drug under the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 because of its high potential for abuse.
Avoid worries about meperidine overdose symptoms. Call today, and begin your journey to a clean and sober lifestyle.
Did You Know?
The National Survey on Drug Use and Health reports that the number of people receiving treatment for non-medical use of painkillers more than doubled from 2002 (199,000) to 2010 (406,000). In 2010, there were approximately 5.1 million non-medical painkiller users, approximately 2 million of whom reported they had used painkillers for non-medical purposes within the last year for the first time. This amounts to approximately 5,500 new non-medical users every day.
The Centers for Disease Control indicates that in the United States, approximately 100 people die from drug overdoses daily. Between 1990 and 2008, the number of drug overdose deaths in the US has more than tripled.
If you have developed a strong desire to use more of the drug than is prescribed to you or if the prescribed dosage of meperidine no longer relieves your pain, call now to prevent further damage to your body and avoid meperidine overdose symptoms.
Overdose Signs and Symptoms
An overdose on meperidine may result from taking more than the normal or recommended dosage of the drug. An overdose may also occur if a young child gains access to meperidine and takes it. If someone has overdosed on meperidine, call the local poison control center. If the person has collapsed or is not breathing, call your local emergency services at 911. Signs of an overdose on meperidine include:
- Slowed and shallow breathing
- Slow heartbeat
- Cold, clammy skin
- Loose, floppy muscles
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Blurred vision
- Fainting
- Extreme drowsiness
- Apnea
- Cardiac arrest
- Seizures
- Coma
Meperidine overdose symptoms are very serious. A single overdose can result in permanent brain damage or death, particularly if a large amount of meperidine is ingested and treatment is readily available. You need to seek immediate addiction treatment if you experience any signs of an overdose on meperidine. Do yourself a favor and become healthy and sober. Call now and avoid meperidine overdose symptoms.
Babies born to mothers who took meperidine while pregnant may exhibit addiction, withdrawal symptoms, or breathing problems. Pregnant or nursing women should not take medications containing meperidine unless the doctor feels the benefits of the drug outweigh the risks. Taking meperidine while pregnant may result in miscarriage.
There is a high likelihood that combining meperidine with other drugs will enhance the effects of both the meperidine and the drug or drugs with which it is combined. Individuals who mix this drug with alcohol or other drugs may experience life-threatening meperidine overdose symptoms. While taking meperidine, you should not consume alcohol or take other drugs not prescribed by your doctor.
Overdose Treatment
If you suspect you or someone you love has overdosed on meperidine, call 911 immediately. Time is of the essence, and prompt treatment could save your or your loved one’s life.
Once overdose symptoms has passed, call us at . We can help you find a meperidine treatment facility that can address abuse of and addiction to the drug. You don’t have to struggle with addiction any longer; call us today to get no the path to sustained health.