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Narcotic Detox and Withdrawal

Many people seek medication treatment for pain management purposes, and physicians can prescribe numerous types of drugs for pain relief. Narcotics are the most powerful among painkillers.

In the United States, patients use narcotic drugs in the treatment of a wide range of painful conditions. Often narcotics are used in combination with other less powerful drugs or as pills containing a narcotic and aspirin or acetaminophen.

narcotics-addictionThe use of prescription pain relief drugs without following the doctor’s directions just to experience their euphoric effects is termed non-medical use. Narcotic addiction occurs when people use narcotic drugs to obtain a sense of well-being instead of limiting the use for pain control.

If you suspect that you or a loved one has an addiction to any type of narcotic drug, seek professional help right away. Give us a call today at for reference to a narcotic detox and luxury center nearest you.

According to the United States Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA), non-medical use of pain relievers is next to marijuana as a common form of illegal drug use in the country.

Common Signs of Narcotic Addiction

Even though different types of drugs may cause different physical effects, addiction signs and symptoms are basically similar. You will need to enroll yourself in a narcotic detox center if you find yourself showing some or all of the following signs:

  • Drug tolerance. You need to increase your dosage over time in order to attain the same effects you’ve felt before when using only smaller amounts.
  • Needing to take drugs to avoid withdrawal symptoms. Common symptoms that may occur when you stop or reduce your dosage of a substance include restlessness, nausea, depression, insomnia, shaking, sweating, and anxiety.
  • Drug use taking control of your life. You don’t want to take drugs anymore, but you can’t help it. It seems you are powerless when it comes to resisting the temptation to use drugs.
  • Abandoning activities you previously enjoyed, such as sports, hobbies, and socializations. Your life essentially revolves around your drug use.
  • Impaired judgment and weakened decision-making abilities. Although you know that the drug has been hurting you, you continue to use it. The drug might be causing such problems as infections, blackouts, depression, mood swings, and paranoia, but you use it in spite of these issues.

Importance of Narcotic Detox Centers

Many drug addiction professionals believe that the best way to reduce narcotic withdrawal symptoms while ensuring the efficacy of the detox process is by gradually diminishing the dosage of narcotics. This strategy allows the body of the narcotic-dependent individual to adjust to the increasing absence of the drug, forcing the body to function with progressively lower amounts of the drug in the bloodstream.

“Narcotic detox can give rise to excessive anxiety and other severe withdrawal symptoms if not conducted correctly.”Narcotic detox can give rise to excessive anxiety and other severe withdrawal symptoms if not conducted correctly. This is where a narcotic detox center becomes indispensable in the treatment of addiction to narcotic. Some addicts attempt to quit narcotic “cold turkey” to no avail, only leading to more pain and discouragement. Thus narcotic addicts are warned against using this approach, as it can subject them to serious withdrawal symptoms, most especially if they have an underlying medical problem. In addition, such an action can increase the likelihood of relapse and of the patient developing a fear of the withdrawal process.

The importance of performing narcotic detoxification in a professional setting cannot be overemphasized. If you or someone you know has made the decision to undergo narcotic detoxification, give us a call today at so we can help locate a luxury treatment facility offering the best narcotic detox program in your area.

Unsure where to start? Take Our Substance Abuse Self-Assessment

Take our free, 5-minute substance abuse self-assessment below if you think you or someone you love might be struggling with substance abuse. This evaluation consists of 11 yes or no questions that are designed to be used as an informational tool to assess the severity and probability of a substance use disorder. The test is free, confidential, and no personal information is needed to receive the result. Please be aware that this evaluation is not a substitute for advice from a medical doctor.

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