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Ritalin Detox and Withdrawal

Ritalin is a stimulant drug that is commonly used to treat several disorders, including attention deficit disorder and narcolepsy. According to the National Drug Intelligence Center, Ritalin increases the activity of the central nervous system to increase alertness and attention span. Ritalin detox centers are useful for anyone taking Ritalin.
“Ritalin increases the activity of the central nervous system to increase alertness and attention span.”
Dependence can occur even if the patient takes the medication as prescribed and does not abuse it. Because of this, patients should never stop taking Ritalin without doctor supervision. Sometimes, patients may need to check into Ritalin detox centers in order to manage withdrawal symptoms and successfully quit taking the drug. Ritalin withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Exhaustion
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Anxiety
  • Nausea
  • Insomnia
  • Excessive hunger

If you are experiencing any of these withdrawal symptoms or know somebody who is, contact us at to discuss treatment options and find the perfect Ritalin withdrawal and addiction treatment facility for you.

Did You Know?

The rate of Ritalin abuse is higher among college students, who use it as a means to stay up later for parties or to increase concentration for their studies.

Withdrawal From Ritalin

ritalin abuseRitalin detox centers help patients through withdrawal symptoms by using a combination of emotional and physical care. Detox centers take patients away from the everyday stresses of life so they can recover without having to worry about their other daily responsibilities. Counselors meet with patients to discover any emotional or mental disorders that may be the cause of Ritalin abuse or dependence. They help the patients work through these problems so they feel emotionally ready to be rid of the drug. Counselors also help patients work through emotional withdrawal symptoms, such as depression.

Ritalin detox programs gradually reduce the amount of Ritalin the patient takes until he or she is completely weaned off the drug. This process may take a while, especially if the patient was originally taking a high dose of Ritalin. However, gradually weaning the patient off Ritalin lessens the intensity of the withdrawal symptoms.
“Doctors may need to step in and administer further medical attention if withdrawal symptoms worsen.”
Doctors at Ritalin detox centers may also administer milder drugs to the patient to get rid of withdrawal symptoms. They supervise patients to ensure that the symptoms are under control. Doctors may need to step in and administer further medical attention if withdrawal symptoms worsen.

Did You Know?

The length of time to detox from Ritalin varies from patient to patient and is influenced by many factors, including how much of the drug the patient was taking and for how long. It could take as little as a few days to detox or as long as two weeks.
Doctors and counselors in Ritalin detox centers educate patients about addictive drug habits and how to avoid Ritalin addiction in the future. They give them the tools to cope with their underlying psychological and emotional issues without relying on Ritalin. This allows patients to stay sober after they’ve completed the detox or rehab program.

medically-supervised detox treatmentOnce a patient has detoxed from Ritalin, he or she is likely to still need further guidance to stay off the drug. If the dependence on Ritalin was severe before detox began, patients should check into a medically-supervised detox treatment. Within facilities like this, patients learn healthy methods to cope with cravings and psychological disorders that may cause them to go back on Ritalin.

If the dependency on Ritalin was mild, a patient may return home after the detox program. However, he or she may find it helpful to attend an outpatient program, such as a support group or other recovery program. The patient should also continue to meet with his or her doctor to monitor symptoms.

Friends and family of Ritalin detox patients should learn about Ritalin and the psychological and physical effect it has on a person. In this way, they can more fully understand and support their loved one on their path to recovery. Doctors, counselors, and staff at Ritalin detox centers can educate the friends and family of their patients. Contact us today at to find a Ritalin detox center that can help.

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