Keeps u busy doing repetitive and too generalized of activities(it's good for a 1st timer). Takes u away from the current using situation and away from using environments/people. Gives a person the opportunity to look at where they r in life and decide if they want to take a look at a different way of living. Doesn't give good after care instructions and don't help u set up after care at all. It's pretty much like they will take u in if insurance covers u and kicks u out the second it doesnt. Maybe because I had been there several times, but it made me feel like, if these professionals don't want to try helping me and if they don't believe I can lead a better life, then why should I think any different from these professionals. The last time worked because I wanted it to so badly, that I was willing to do almost anything to get it. So when I left the facility, I was so upset and going out ofyind, since I was just let go of and told I had to leave since they had no beds open in the inpatient wing (this last time I didn't make it past detox before they released me, without any warning. Prior to that, I was to be moved into inpatient..I'm looked at as a success... From what ive learned, being in and out of tx places for 15yrs, is that doing nothing, gets u nowhere. Doing something, gets u somewhere. Finding love for yourself, gets u everywhere. Once I was able to get some clarity, I was able to see how to apply the tools from my toolbox, into real-life situation s. It will be lonely and feel impossible. That's the sign you're on the right path! I don't have a single using friend left in my phone nor my life. I broke down and told my family and sober friends, all the signs and symptoms of me using and how to tell if I have been. I have signed an agreement with them, that if I am using again, that they have to c it for what it really is, another form of suicide. If I use, the police my family and my tx (treatment) team, have all agreed to do whatever means they have to get me chaptered, and back into the psych ward until they can find a bed at an appropriate facility. I have given those rights away, because I cant trust myself to handle certain things, without hurting myself. I caution people about making new friends in recovery, because that can also be ur minds way of keeping u connected with that environment or with new hookups.