Most of the \"Group Leaders\" work there in exchange for room and board, as well as sleep and eat among you, and are previous \"Graduates\" of the 6-8 week program. No one is qualified to actually help women to figure out WHY we are doing the drinking or drugging (which is unique to all of us), and that is the single most important ingredient towards actual sobriety. It is merely a detox and weight gain program, not nearly long enough to return to the circumstances which most of us left. We were put to work as the maid service to the whole compound, were not allowed ANY access to the cozy looking rooms with sofas and wing back chairs shown in the pictures and MONITORED for 1 cup of coffee/day. (If my new drug were coffee, maybe i\'da stayed away from alcohol...) Not allowed by my building Group Leader to use brush teeth or even use the bathroom before the Group morning prayer ritual. Our days were lived out in a classroom with occasional discussions held in the finished basement area. Sometimes outside church types would come in and minister to us, that was cute but wholly ineffective for a real-life-change. Many of the enrollees are avoiding jail, and are therefore not serious. For the cost, which I think is twice what it\'s worth, look around some more.