About Renewal Health Group
The most challenging aspect of rehabilitation is sustainability. We are all familiar with the far too high relapse rate despite the vast expenditure of time, energy and financial resources for professional support and therapy.
Our philosophy is that sobriety is not simply How to live a healthy life, but rather the result of discovering Why to live a healthy life. We believe that when there’s a Why there’s a Way.
Our focus is to stimulate the thoughts and emotions needed to awaken the uniquely positive characteristics of each individual.
At Renewal Healthcare we understand that each person is the product of their own life’s experiences resulting in their own very specific personal challenges. Within our warm nurturing environment our residents will have the access to connect with one or more of our highly qualified and carefully chosen clinicians, counselors, and successful role models, in some cases recovering addicts themselves. That is why the foundation of the program is on a very low staff to resident ratio.
We believe each resident can find a mentor, from amongst this diverse array of potential role models who will help awaken their optimism, faith and the very real possibility of a beautiful tomorrow.
Our staff at Renewal Healthcare recognize the importance of helping our residents create a healthy support system they can integrate into their daily life when they are finished with our program.